Wondering, getting curious, made addicted, become dependent; my journey
I have been to Mistress Emma about 3 times now and every time with Her is even better than the last. So much has happened in those 3 times and I will try to tell a bit about each and every one to the best of my ability and memory. Because every time I was with Her my head was doing overtime and I leave with my head in the clouds. I would spend the next days thinking about all that we/She has done and in which order, but that is really hard because I really get lost in Her world when I am with Her.
So, I was always kind of interested in the world of BDSM but never got any real experience with it until I stumbled upon Mistress Emma’s site. Then I was immediately caught by Her.
I spent all week thinking about Her, about Her site, about what it would be like, and if I should give her a call and ask if She has room for a newbie, eager to experience it all and learn from Her. So after that week, I wrote a way too long text message over-explaining it all, but Mistress Emma reacted very kindly and invited me for a 3-hour session with Her on the second Christmas day. A Christmas gift, She said during the session, and a gift it was, with a hell of an afterglow.
So that day I was really nervous and I am kind of shy/closed off of by myself (tend to myself), especially with new/unfamiliar situations.
But when I rang the doorbell most of those nerves were gone, I still was really tense and a bit shy, maybe even a bit awkward, but when we started talking together it felt like we knew each other for a long time and I had the feeling that I was at my right place. So after the ‘get to know each other’, explaining some things about Mistress Emma’s empire and some things about BDSM I had some time to freshen up and get relaxed and then I could come back to Her.
Our first session was very sensual and seductive. She told me She was going to get into my head, if She did that, her goal would be achieved, and She did, in ways, I couldn’t imagine.
I got on my knees for Her for the first time and was to worship her stiletto and then I was taken to the St. Andrea’s cross, where I got teased like hell and, after a while, I was told to free myself. If I did I was to join Her on the bed. So I was holding back a bit at first because I couldn’t believe it, but She kept calling and teasing me, so I started to get myself free, and because, like I said I am a bit shy/cautious at first, I will keep a close eye on all that is happing in the surrounding, so I saw how She put me on the cross and after a few seconds I managed to set myself free and joined her slowly.
I was ordered to worship Her, so I started too greedily, I started at the points that tempted me the most, but I was quickly called to order and had to start from the bottom of Mistress Emma’s shoes. A lot more has happened, but those things are for me and Mistress Emma to know.
So, after this meeting, I went to normal things In life, but there was a difference, like Mistress Emma said, She got in my head, so goal achieved. I would wake up, seeing her before me. I would be working and then, out of nowhere, She is there again. I would go to bed, and guess what, She would be still in my head! And the next day/week(s) would be the same.
After 2 weeks I really wanted to see Her again, and it was like Mistress Emma felt that because before I could text Her, She had texted me, coincidence? Or does She really know what I need? I guess it is the second.
So, we arranged another date to meet (again for 3 hours) and the days would slowly move to the set date.
This 2nd meeting with Her would take it a step up, I can’t tell a lot about this meeting, because after this meeting I was so high on it, as soon as I went home, I was like, what has happened!
But I do recall this; I was introduced to some pain. Like I was able to massage Her, but I would be attached to the electric kit. Twisted, right?
But to both my and also Mistress Emma’s surprise I managed to endure it to the highest stance (I believe). She was really impressed with me. That gave me somewhat of a proud feeling. Also, something with clothes pins kind of things, and a lot more, but that is a bit blurry for me, well I know it was really like WOW!
And also afterward, when I texted her a thank you message I got my first voice text from Her, which was also really great to hear. Mistress Emma told me that She was so satisfied with that day/meeting!
After this meeting, I couldn’t wait too long before reaching out again. So 4 days later I contacted Her and arranged the 3rd meeting with Her, this time taking it further again, a 5-hour session!
But I had to wait for 1,5 weeks, and guess what, time passes slowly when looking forward.
But in the meantime, I tried to keep some contact (we did kind of make a connection during the second session, like level a bit, bit of same humor, etc, and since the second meeting, I tried to make it a bit more personal, because I like that, to know someone better, also helps me open up. And since this session, I started to open up, because I felt like I could trust Her, as a Mistress but also more personally (don’t know how to say). So, because I felt this since that session I also talked about some other things. After some more talking we agreed to making some photos, so that was really exciting.
Then, the 3rd meeting came, Mistress Emma looked stunning always, but I immediately noticed her hair, it was in a style I really love, a kind of Viking woman style. She guessed I would love that, and She couldn’t be more right, I feel She knows me quite well in the short time we got to know each other.
When I got in we first had a really long and nice talk beforehand, She told me She wanted to take it further again because the last sessions were more introductory to the BDSM and now She wanted to go deeper (but She didn’t tell me in what way). But it was like She did read my mind again! Because I did read how She liked her whips.
After that Mistress Emma asked me if I had some wishes, so I was like, very cautiously, ‘’ well Mistress, I did see some whipping stuff on your Twitter and I saw how much you like that and I am quite interested in it (also because I am going for tattoos in coming weeks, then I can’t feel it on my back till that is healed, so I wanted to try it)
As soon as I finished the sentence I saw the most beautiful smile and started talking about that with all the passion Mistress Emma has and told me my wishes would come true this time and She would introduce it to me, try to start slow, but also warned me that if She starts She will get so into it.
Then it all started, getting under her feet again, feeling her heel on my throat. Then getting chained up (don’t know the name of this device), getting teased, and got something on called ‘’the man crusher’’ I believe…
Then I was ordered to set myself free again, it took me a while this time, but I managed, again. Then onto some kind of bench, all tight up onto it. I was ordered to set myself free again. But to Mistress Emma’s surprise, I managed again pretty quick, so She had a solution, tape my hands in. And so She did and then told me if you set yourself free now I will call you Houdini. So that was a challenge for me. And within seconds (I believe) I had my hand untapped, so I replied quite triumphantly ‘’ I think you will have to call me Houdini ‘’.
But you have to know, I wasn’t finished yet, only untaped one hand, but I thought, only untape the other hand and then do the same trick as before, I thought…. As soon as She heard that I was doing it again She said ‘’let Me give you some distraction’’ She started with what I asked for, the whips were getting used.
And a distraction it was. The first one actually felt quite nice, but it let me forget that I was setting myself free. Then the second one, is also durable.
I don’t know anymore how many whips Mistress Emma has used and for how long, but at a certain point, I didn’t know where I had to go, I started punching the bench and clattering the chains and trying to avoid the hits. And there is no escaping, But, nevertheless, it gave some kind of joy to see Her in this way.
Every now and then She gave me some rest, applies ice water, and gave me something to drink and then She went on. Until I couldn’t take it anymore, but I ain’t a quitter type, I was a bit optimistic and thought just keep it up, She will stop eventually. But Mistress Emma wasn’t going to stop until I reached my breaking point. That took longer than both She and I did expect. But eventually, I couldn’t anymore, first I called for a stop, but that isn’t the safe word. Well, I didn’t want to use the safe word because I didn’t want to interrupt Her and also because although it did hurt, it gave some kind of fulfillment. But then I had to call the safe word and She did stop. And Mistress Emma was so proud and amazed by me!
She didn’t expect me to last this long for a first whipping session, and that made me so happy again. I had marks of Her everywhere, but I would do It all over again, after this meeting I was so fulfilled and happy again and also a bit proud again, to be honest. After a short catching of breath, I was led to the table and completely bound onto it, with so many and so long ropes, this kind of bondage was really no way of setting myself free. And what feeling it gives, and also so mesmerizing to see Mistress Emma using all the ropes, she knows so well what to do.
When I was completely bound up, She started teasing me again and also used candle wax to stimulate me, and something with really small kind of like clothes pins, but, because I was still really tense and exhausted by my first whipping experience, I couldn’t take those very well this time, so that still needs more experience I guess, but next time I will try that again.
It is now a few days later and still, there is the ‘afterglow’ from all the way from the first meeting until now, only, it gained a literal meaning
I guess mistress Emma’s goal for me has been reached (for now), but there will be so much that she can and will teach me.
And for me, I am so glad to have met Her and I am so hooked on Her right now, I couldn’t feel more comfortable with Her and feel like I can really be myself with Her and I wouldn’t have missed all this for a thing in the world. If I could change anything then the only thing I would have changed is for me, that I would have gone and met her earlier.
I am Yours now and hope to stay that way! Constantly, I got You in my mind and thinking about how to make You happy and how to become a good slave for You, but I guess with Your training and help that will come automatically
So much has happened, but I already got into too much detail, so I have to leave it at this and look forward to new adventures with my Mistress. Already thinking about when I will meet her again…