Well, slave, I wonder. Do you at all understand the concept of ownership? I own you and now I want you to put your money where your mouth is and let me decide what is best for you. At the end of the month, when your boss is depositing your salary you will transfer to me what is rightfully mine. You will start paying for my life, for my pleasure and you will show me how devoted you are to your Mistress Emma!
I will grant you the pleasure of being my cash slave. We will agree to meet at a certain ATM and you then will make the appropriate cash withdrawal. You will hand me the money and I will smile and thank you, you will see that as the greatest reward possible. And to make me happy you will offer to make another withdrawal, and one more and more just to keep me happy as that my slave is your task, your responsibility.
Of course, there will be plenty of other possibilities to please me. I do accept gift cards, you may want to contribute by other means but at least there is no excuse not to give me what is mine. You work hard to please your Mistress, you will make overtime to compensate me for the attention I give you. Sure I might grant you the occasional cup of coffee, or a daily allowance. But you will hand over the control of your financial life to your Mistress, who knows after all what is best for you, don’t you agree slave?
I will decide how much money you can spend every day of the week. It might be 5 euro one day and 15 euro another day. You might find yourself in a position you cannot spend any money at all. You may hand over to me your credit card. Not for me to spend money but obviously you have to ask me for permission to use it and you will have to collect your card at my place and for sure I will demand an explanation.
No matter how I control your financial life slave, you always will have to explain why you have spent money, what was the purpose? And if I think you spent your money in the wrong way, I will limit the amount of money you may use in the period to come. And you know why slave! I do control your needs and desires and thus it is me, Mistress Emma, who is determining what and when you can spend money.
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