My first meeting with Mistress Emma was an exciting experience. She received me in a building in The Hague. As soon as the door opened, I was amazed at the beauty of Mistress Emma herself and her fantastic studio, a lot of stuff and equipped with everything. The hygiene is very good. Mistress Emma takes the time for a conversation before the session starts, and you also get the opportunity to refresh yourself. She builds up the session very well and really plays on your psychological state. And make no mistake about Mistress Emma, She comes over as a very sweet girl but when the session starts, She is a true Mistress, who knows what She is doing and how to do it.
I was placed on the table, inside of a latex body bag and on top of that, Mistress Emma used the vast majority of latex straps and ropes to make sure I was secured properly on the table and immobilized completely. In combination with the physical restraints, Mistress Emma used a hypnotic technique to both keep my mind occupied at all times, as well as to ease my mind and show me that there is no point nor a way for me to fight Her. All I was required to do was simply – Let her in! Let Her inside of my head, inside of the deepest darkest corners of my mind. Allow her to poke around, and play with but most importantly – make sure She will fit Herself there, and once inside, She will never leave.
That’s way easier said than done, but you best believe Mistress Emma knows how to lure you inside of her twisted world and keep you there. But not only for an hour or two. Once you enter her realm, you find yourself pulled deep into it. Ever since that very first session I had with Her – my Mistress is constantly in my thoughts. For the past month alone I visited her 3 times, and now we are already planning my next visit. I suppose it's safe to say She got what She wanted. Now I am addicted to Her, the more I get, the more I need…
I personally recommend Mistress Emma to every submissive man.